How Tou Can Change Blogger Background
Background is something that can enhance traffic pengujung. oleh therefore we have to create a background with semenarikk might. cara change the backdrop very mudah. bnyak tentuny change the backdrop option as per the wishes anda. jadi in this instance you can edit your personal or choose a photo that you based on your blogger bacground.
Changing the default format of google background most likely are not a troublesome difficulty, but most on the bloggers are already employing a blog template from a 3rd party (third party) which is accepted as more seo. Not to mention, we are likewise faced with will be able to edit the HTML code if you would like change the format background.
As a novice blogger I would like to share how to vary the blog background with the new background you will find two ways, namely the family of the background colour and background graphic category.
but at the moment I will only discuss how you can replace the background through an image, so of which more visitors bannyak. cara increase visitor traffic wasn't spotted and enough with the back groun, but can in lots of ways.
following how to vary the background about blogger.
1. Get access to blogger
two. select tempalte menu> customize> background
{or body {
4 Then Copy and Paste the following code under body {:
background: and /Gambar+Background+Blog+ViperGoy.png) fixed repeat;
5. Replace url with the url of the blue colored background image you want.
6 Save and Finish.
How To Change Background Color Blog By:
1 Open your Blogger Home.
2 Then select Templates »Edit HTML.
3 Then the Search Code body {or body {
4 Then Copy and Paste the following code under body {:
background: fixed #ececec repeat;
5. Replace the words green with other colors hex code you want.
6 Save / Save.
related articles, how to increase pageviews in order to support the blog youbecome one google
that's about kira.semoga you can end a lot and do not forget to share or comment :) .
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tips blogger
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